Tag Archives: Edlingham

Peanut Butter Pancakes

8 Oct

peanut butter pancake with maple syrup for pinterest

~  Breakfast  ~

Peanut Butter Pancakes
Maple Syrup

Yesterday we suddenly and almost inadvertently went out for the day into the wilds of Northumbria – which are FAB! 

We had intended a quick trip to Barter Books in Alnwick (we have been there before – see here  – and if you like books so should you) which is the bestest second hand bookshop in the whole wide world with open fires, a model railway, interesting quotes and its seriously huge.

After a satisfying browse the weather was so glorious it seemed a bit daft not to go and look at the scenery.
We found (not that it was lost) the remains of a lovely old fortified house and had a wander about. I stood in the kitchen bit for while trying to commune with cooks of the past and we walked up what was left of the staircase and touched the old stones and thought about history. 

There is a strange old church right next door to the house with an Italian looking tower and a flat roof although evidence of a pitched roof.

old house ruins in Northumberland

The trouble was we forgot to have lunch and so, when we got in about 5 had toast and chocolate and stuff and ruined out appetites for dinner.  What pratts!

I was hungry to say the least this morning so tried an idea I’ve been pondering for a while; stirring crunchy peanut butter into pancake batter.  It worked.

peanut butter pancake and maple syrup for breakfast

For my standard pancake recipe see here and stir in a tablespoon or so of crunchy (or smooth I suppose) peanut butter. The frilly edge to the pancake is caused by naughtily cooking it in a tablespoon of oil rather than a lightly greased pan; this makes the edge fried and crisp.

I’ll try to be more foodie next time-  life is still a bit strange and busy (apart from yesterday!).