Three Cornered Leeks ~ eat as much of this naughty plant as you can!

26 May

green salad with firaged three cornered leeks flowers and leaves
I was chatting with my friend Carol the other day, about wild garlic, and she asked if I had tried three cornered leeks.  Tried it? – I’d never even heard of it!

 So, she took me into her garden and picked me some.  Very pretty with a milder but similar smell/fragrance to wild garlic. So naturally I had play …
Firstly, having done some research (see Wild Food UK for lots of useful information on three cornered leek) and read that the whole plant is edible I nervously nibbled a flower.
I then nibbled the stem and a leaf – and the taste was very similar to wild garlic, which I love, but maybe a little milder.

Yesterday, driving round Cornwall’s gorgeous wild flower filled lanes, I spotted a patch of these naughty flowers.  

foraging for three cornered leeks in Cornwall

three cornered leeks, foraging, wild food, invasive species

As it says on Wild Food UK …

An invasive species brought over to the UK from the Mediterranean, it is an offence under Schedule 9 of the Wildlife and Countryside Act in England and Wales to plant or otherwise cause to grow this species in the wild.

So I thought I’d better try to help eradicate the buggers and picked a big bunch and here is last night’s dinner.

A simple summery dish of roasted salmon with buttery Jersey Royals, mange tout (Rodney), asparagus and three cornered leeks.  Glass of white, naturally.

roasted salmon with buttery Jersey Royals, mange tout, asparagus, three cornered leeks

Now then, as I said, three cornered leeks are very similar to wild garlic so it would be cheating, I feel, if I just repeated all my wild garlic ideas.  Instead see my post Wild Garlic ~ Calloo Callay! for lots of info and  ideas and do the same with three cornered leeks.
vase of three cornered leeks

So, get out there and eat some three cornered leeks!

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